The Not Wedding Inspiration Shoot

posted on: Sunday, March 23, 2014

We were lucky enough to shoot at sunrise on a beautiful Spring (!) morning, and aside from my embarrassing fear of birds intensified by the large duck population at Piedmont Park that morning - it was an absolute dream to shoot Kelsey and Taylor. They are such a beautiful couple and we could all really see how truly in love they are as they kissed at sunrise, danced at the gazebo, and splashed their feet off the dock. We can't wait for their upcoming wedding!

We look forward to seeing everyone on April 3rd at the 2nd Not Wedding in Athens! Lookout for our upcoming feature on Style Me Pretty to see more details from the shoot!

Thanks to our wonderful vendors who helped make this shoot so gorgeous!

- Stationary: Dearest Olive
- Bags: Veeshee Bags
- Custom Tshirts: Uber Prints