We're Engaged!!

posted on: Friday, November 15, 2013

Alan proposed on October 19th at Marietta Square! I said yes! Please look here for future updates on our wedding journey as well as our clients' stories!

Our story:

Alan went to college in Marietta so the Marietta square has always been a place we hang out a lot, met for the first time, go on dates, eat cupcakes, etc etc. The day of the proposal there was a fall festival at the square that my brother and his wife wanted to take my niece to and invited Alan and I along. Alan had planned to propose with their help while we were there with a polaroid picture and as it developed I would see the message, but Impossible film is sometimes so unreliable! The film didn't develop!! So my brother asked us to get together for a photo and he took it with my brand new fancy point and shoot camera I bought to work on this own blog. I'm pretty caught up in posing and hamming it up for the camera that I didn't see the sign Alan snuck out of his bag. My brother asked me to come make sure the photo turned out cause my new camera is confusing and while I'm flipping through the photos I see that Alan was holding a sign that says "Marry me?" I was in shock! I said "Of course!" and he said "Wait I haven't asked you yet!" then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said of course, again! After all the excitement we just walked around the square and he told me how nervous he had been and that he couldn't believe he was really able to surprise me and we both told each other how excited we are to become husband and wife. We were supposed to go to dinner at this fancy french place we go to on our anniversaries but we both ended up just wanting something low key like Wendy's spicy nuggets. We ate our first meal as fiancés over some spicy nuggets and an on demand movie. 

First date: 9.7.10 Sushi at Little Five Points - I didn't even know it was a date until he paid! I was secretly thrilled!

First kiss: I used to have horrible nightmares and so I would watch Disney movies at night to cheer myself up and have happy images on my mind before bed. Alan finally got up the courage to kiss me while we were watching Aladdin! "A Whole New World" was playing. 

First fight: In the baking aisle of Publix. I thought he was insinuating that I didn't need to be eating brownies because I was fat or something. Turns out he meant because he had already picked up some ice cream in the frozen aisle. Now we don't split the list up at the grocery store and just shop together!

First trip: Cruise to the Caribbean - we ate ourselves sick.